20 easy bread recipes to make at home
Over the past few months, a craze has been sweeping the world (or, at least, social media): homemade bread. With more time on our hands, many of us have taken the plunge into the world of home baking. Keen to join the club? Here are some simple yet delicious ideas for you to try.
A basic white loaf
This simple recipe, which uses basic ingredients, is the perfect accompaniment to any meal throughout the day, from breakfast to supper
Comforting chocolate-chip banana bread![]()
Whether for dessert, a snack or a sweet breakfast, chocolate-chip banana bread is a firm favourite for old and young alike. As well as making a wonderfully comforting cake, this recipe is a great way to use up old bananas that are slowly turning black in your fruit bowl or your fridge
An exotic addition to your meal
A traditional Indian staple: the delicious naan bread. This flatbread is super easy to make and relatively quick. You could also use this bread as a replacement for a pizza base or to make crispbreads. Not to be missed!
Home-baked bagels![]()
An ideal treat for any time of day, bagels are simple to make at home and don’t require any special equipment. Just don’t forget the sesame seeds!
From starter to finish
Sourdough is relatively simple to make. Rather than using shop-bought yeast, you need to make, feed and take care of your own starter. It will take a few days before you have your first loaf, but the satisfaction you’ll gain from having prepared the whole thing from start to finish will be worth it!
Gluten-free, allergy-friendly bread is possible!![]()
Recipes that are gluten-, lactose- and egg-free have proliferated in recent years, thanks to changing dietary habits. Bread is no exception to this trend! And even without gluten, lactose or eggs it is still possible to make a delicious loaf, we promise!
Breakfast of champions: the English muffin
English muffins take brunch to the next level. Did you know that they are easy to make at home, and don’t even take too long? You just need a few basic ingredients, some time and patience while they rise, and you’re onto a winner!
A different approach to baking bread![]()
If traditional round loaves are what your household likes best, why not play around a bit with how you bake them? This recipe suggests a simple and quick way of baking bread inside a pot.
Combine function with flavour by making fresh tortillas
As a substitute for bread for your lunchtime sandwich, a replacement for pizza dough or to have your own taco party, tortillas are a fantastic cooking staple. Make sure you always have this simple recipe within arm’s reach. If you want to introduce some Mexican flavours to your meal, why not try making corn tortillas?
All the delicious benefits of multigrains at home![]()
The health benefits of grains and seeds have been proven beyond doubt. When next baking bread, why not try a recipe that features multigrains packed with protein and nutrients?
Taste explosion with an olive and herb bread
Whether as an accompaniment to a meal or to upgrade your lunchtime sandwich, olive bread is delicious at any time of day. With this recipe, the combination of herbs and beer—used instead of yeast—is simply sensational.
Get the look with this brioche braid![]()
Fancy really challenging yourself with your next bake? Continue your tour of the flavours of the world with this recipe inspired by a Swiss classic: a braided brioche
A roll for any occasion
In need of a last-minute bread to go with your meal? This recipe for milk dinner rolls is super easy to make. Be imaginative: you could serve these along with a soup, or sprinkle the tops with sesame seeds and use them as burger rolls.
Bread baked in a slow cooker? Yes you can!
As surprising as it may seem, it is indeed possible to bake bread in your slow cooker. The rise and bake happen at the same time, meaning you don’t have to wait so long before being able to tuck in!
A sweet breakfast treat
Fancy something special for your next brunch? Chocolate croissants are bound to do the trick. In spite of the many stages, this recipe is aimed at home cooks of all levels. Indulge yourself by adding your favourite chocolate.
A roll with attitude![]()
Give the classic bread roll a flavour boost by adding cheese and bacon. No chance you’ll be dipping these in your soup—they’re much too tempting as they are!
Raisins and cinnamon: the perfect kitchen perfume
The secret to a successful breakfast has to be a delicious cinnamon raisin bread. Filling your kitchen with the most mouth-watering smells, it will take you right back to your childhood.
Never be without a baguette![]()
A baguette is the perfect accompaniment to any weekend supper. With this recipe, worthy of the finest French boulangeries, making your own has never been so easy, in spite of the additional stage in the process that helps this type of bread stay good for longer.
Fruit in bread? Why not!
A great way to vary your usual bread recipe is by adding fruit and nuts. This recipe for cranberry soda bread—which you can even make in your slow cooker!—is bound to be an immediate hit with your family.
Leftover bread? Make croutons!![]()
Leftover bits of bread that your family hasn’t managed to finish? No problem! A drizzle of oil, some herbs and a quick spell in the oven are all you need to make delicious croutons! Cut your bread into cubes to add it to a salad, or into slices to go with pâté and hey presto!