20 verified techniques to help you sleep better

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Foolproof techniques to help you sleep betterSheets

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s understandable that many people have had trouble sleeping. COVID-19 is a major source of stress and anxiety for large portions of the population.

If you are experiencing sleep problems, don’t wait to try one of the following 20 techniques for promoting restful and restorative sleep.


Transform your bedroom into a peaceful havenTransform your bedroom into a peaceful haven

Your bedroom should be the calmest room in the house. If you live in a city or other noisy environment, and loud sounds wake you up several times a night, try using ear plugs. Applications and devices that play white noise can also help you fall asleep.

Make sure the temperature is idealMake sure the temperature is ideal

To fall asleep quickly and sleep well all night, your bedroom should be neither too hot nor too cold. In general, the temperature should remain between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius (between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit). An air conditioner or heater can help maintain the perfect temperature.

Buy a good mattressBuy a good mattress

Can’t remember when you bought your mattress? Then it might be time to get a new one. Mattresses usually last about 8 to 10 years. Beyond this time period, they become less comfortable and risk interfering with your sleep. You may start to have difficulty falling asleep and your slumber may be less restorative than it used to be.

Make sure the sun doesn’t wake you upMake sure the sun doesn’t wake you up

The sun rises very early in the summer. That’s great for people who need to wake up early, but not so good for those who may suffer from a shortened night of sleep.


Follow a routineFollow a routine

Parents know very well how important sticking to a nap routine is for children. There’s no need to adopt a strict procedure—simply establish a simple ritual at bedtime. For example, take a shower at about the same time every day, put on your pajamas, brush your teeth, load the dishwasher, lock the doors, and go to bed. A routine at bedtime will help you fall asleep faster and can be the perfect solution for insomniacs.

Don’t go to bed too earlyDon’t go to bed too early

It may seem paradoxical, but some people with sleep problems, like insomnia, habitually go to bed too early hoping to sleep longer. However, going to bed when you’re not tired is likely to have the opposite effect and end up interfering with your sleep. Go to bed when you actually feel fatigued.

Do yoga nidra Do yoga nidra

Before going to sleep, help your body and mind calm down with some yoga nidra. This deep relaxation technique, practised in a reclined position, can help you clear your thoughts. It’s the perfect exercise for those who are stressed and having difficulty falling asleep or suffering from insomnia.

Hide your alarm clockHide your alarm clock

An alarm clock is a useful tool that can keep you from being late for work. However, if you suffer from insomnia, it’s best to hide your alarm clock in a drawer or somewhere similar. Many insomniacs tend to stare at their alarm clocks when they have difficulty falling asleep, which causes stress and feeds their insomnia instead of helping them doze off.This tip also applies to those who use other devices, such as a watch or a smartphone, to wake up. Keep them out of sight.

Try some chamomile or lavenderTry some chamomile or lavender

Chamomile is one of the best remedies to help you fall asleep quickly. This plant is known for its sedative, relaxing, and anxiety-relieving properties. Try infusionscapsules and essential oils made with chamomile to help you take advantage of its numerous benefits. If you would like to use chamomile to fight insomnia, consult your health professional to find the right dose for you.

Lavender essential oil is another effective weapon against sleep problems, especially insomnia. By lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature, it can help you fall asleep more quickly. Consult a health professional to find out if lavender essential oil will work for you.

Be careful with caffeineBe careful with caffeine

Are you in the habit of drinking coffee or a carbonated beverage with dinner? If you suffer from insomnia, your sleep problems may simply be due to your caffeine consumption. According to one study, you should avoid caffeine for at least six hours before bedtime. And be aware that other foods, like chocolate, also contain caffeine.

Lower your stressLower your stress

Stress is directly related to sleep. When stressed, you sleep poorly, and lack of sleep further increases stress levels. Fortunately, there are many ways to combat this vicious cycle. Make sure, for instance, that your diet includes foods rich in omega-3 or try listening to music.

Don’t exercise too lateDon’t exercise too late

If you suffer from insomnia, you should avoid working out late in the evening. Why? Simply put, physical exercise not only increases your body temperature, it also has stimulating properties.After perspiring intensely, you aren’t likely to fall asleep quickly. Instead, exercise in the morning before going to work.

Find the right positionFind the right position

If aches and pains are keeping you awake, try changing your position. If, for example, you suffer from neck pain, sciatica, or kyphosis, perhaps you should try sleeping on your back. If digestive problems lie at the root of your insomnia, try sleeping on your side. See a health professional to make sure these sleeping positions are right for you.If the pain persists, your doctor may recommend that you take pain relievers, especially if you are experiencing chronic fatigue.

Use a continuous positive airway pressure deviceUse a continuous positive airway pressure device

If you suffer from sleep apnea, your physician may recommend that you use a device that provides continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). This is one of the best treatments currently available. You may also be encouraged to lose weight. Losing a large amount of weight can sometimes offer complete relief from symptoms.

Wash your sheets regularlyWash your sheets regularly

According the National Sleep Foundation, three out of four people report sleeping better on freshly laundered sheets. The foundation recommends washing your linens and pillowcases every week. Don’t forget to choose a detergent with a pleasing odour. Try this easy trick if you’re having difficulty catching some Zs.

Do not eat certain foods before going to bedDo not eat certain foods before going to bed

To eat or not to eat before bed remains a controversial subject. Regardless, certain items, like chocolate, fatty or acidic foods, and alcohol, should never be consumed before turning in. They are likely to be stimulating or give you acid reflux after lying down.

Dim the lights before retiringDim the lights before retiring

The widespread use of electronic devices has resulted in more and more people looking at their smartphones just before going to bed. Unfortunately, these devices emit blue light, which can disturb your circadian rhythm. To fall asleep more easily, turn off all screens at least one hour before bed. Some devices continue to emit blue light even after they have been shut off, so cover them up or remove them from your bedroom.

Get out of bedLevel up your mattress game

If you find yourself tossing and turning in bed for over 20 minutes, unable to fall asleep, get up and do something calming, like listening to music. When you start to feel sleepy, return to your bedroom. This technique is worth trying if you suffer regularly from insomnia.

Consult a doctorConsult a doctor

If your sleep problems persist, or if you’re worried about your health, see your family physician. Depending on your diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe hypnotic medication. In certain circumstances, he or she may also suggest you see a psychologist.

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