Heartbreaking moment Dowen student, Sylvester Oromoni’s father wept as he remembered his son’s dream of wanting to be a pilot (video)



Heartbreaking moment Dowen student, Sylvester Oromoni


Mr. Sylvester Oromoni, father of an 11-year-old Dowen college student who died after he was allegedly bullied and tortured by his classmate, had an interview with Punch today, where he recounted his son’s last moments.


In the interview, Mr Oromoni broke down in tears as he remembered his son’s dream of wanting to be a pilot. He said during the school’s career day, his son would always dress like a pilot as that was his dream. Mr Oromoni also spoke on how he would be celebrating Sylvester who would have turned 12 tomorrow December 4.


Watch the video clip above


Mr Omoroni was engaged in a zoom interview with the Punch in which he detailed how his son was badly tortured by his peers.

Sylvester was beaten hard with a belt, according to Mr Omoroni, and then fed a substance by his assailants. The bereaved father also detailed the agony his son through before eventually passing away.

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