While you can’t put your life on hold for 9 months, there are some precautions you must take during pregnancy. They can be quite surprising but don’t panic, we will tell you everything!
It’s recommended to remove your rings early on in tge pregnancy, especially if you are prone to water retention. When your hands get too swollen, it is sometimes impossible to take the rings off without breaking them – even if it’s your wedding ring.
If the pregnancy progresses without complications, it is possible to travel by plane during the first and second trimesters. On the other hand, after the eighth month, it is strongly recommended not to fly. In fact, some flight companies will ask for a certificate from your doctor when you board the plane.
During pregnancy, it is important to eat a balanced diet. But above all, you have to avoid certain foods. Shellfish or sushi are prohibited, but also raw meat, foie gras, and artisanal cheeses… As the list is long, it’s best to consult your doctor.
We can never repeat it enough: don’t drink during pregnancy. In fact, ingested alcohol passes through the placenta and is found very quickly in the amniotic fluid and the blood of the fetus. Since the baby’s liver has not reached maturity, it cannot process the alcohol. This can harm the proper development of the child.
Smoking during pregnancy carries serious risks for the child: it reduces the child’s oxygen for development. The consequences can range from growth retardation to heart rhythm disturbances.
Before taking a drug, make sure that it is suitable for pregnant women. The fact that a certain medicine is sold over the counter without a prescription is not a valid criterion for safety. Your doctor or pharmacist can help you consider your options.
If a pregnant woman exposes herself to the sun without adequate protection, even in winter, she runs the risk of developing a “mask of pregnancy” (hyperpigmentation of the skin). This can reappear every summer and will only disappear completely at menopause. Sun cream is your best ally to avoid this problem.
During pregnancy, X-rays should be avoided. They can cause serious fetal malformations. In case of a confirmed pregnancy, or even if you think you might be pregnant, it is always necessary to inform your doctor so that they know what to do.
A priori, there is no contraindication to dental care. However, stress and pain can cause contractions during the first and last trimester. You must also warn the dentist about your condition because local anesthetics containing adrenaline are strictly prohibited.
There is no question of separating you from your cat, but the cleaning of its litter box will have to be carried out by another person. Indeed, because of the risk of toxoplasmosis, it is preferable that the pregnant woman does not touch it at all. Also, immediately wash your hands well after cuddling your feline.
You’re not supposed to be inactive: on the contrary. Still, it’s better to avoid being hit or falling while pregnant. It is best to stop practicing certain sports during the nine months of pregnancy, such as skiing, horseback riding, martial arts, or boxing.
To change your look, it is better to not resort to dyeing. At least, find out about the composition of the hair products you think of using. Some are not recommended due to the presence of formaldehyde. This ingredient is dangerous for pregnant women because it is an endocrine disruptor.
In 2010, the French National Institute for Prevention and Health Education warned against exposure to household chemicals due to the volatile compounds they release. The solution is to use natural household products such as baking soda or vinegar. Or ask your partner!
Finally, during pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid running around and letting stress take over your life. One of the consequences of overwork could be the premature opening of the cervix. Therefore, sleep and rest are important, proven allies.