Actress Laide Bakare rages as men in police uniform “drag her down” from her vehicle and “drive off with her minor daughter”

Lagos Police PRO replies actress Laide Bakare---'You were stopped for contravening traffic laws by driving on the BRT lane''


Laide Bakare has called out men believed to be police officers for harassing her and driving off with her 14-year-old daughter alone in her car.

In a video shared online, the actress is seen yelling at the men in police uniform who stopped her while it was raining.

She questioned why they stopped her alone, while allowing other cars to drive by.

In the caption, she wrote that the officers dragged her down from her vehicle and drove off with her 14-year-old daughter.


Actress Laide Bakare rages as men in police uniform "drag her down" from her vehicle and "drive off with her minor daughter" (videos)


In another video, she invited her daughter to narrate what happened.

The minor expressed how afraid she was when the officers drove off with her.

Laide added that the police officers did this because they wanted her ATM card to use it in withdrawing N70,000.


Actress Laide Bakare rages as men in police uniform "drag her down" from her vehicle and "drive off with her minor daughter" (videos)


She did not explain what the money they were demanding from her was for or the law they accused her of flouting.



The spokesperson of the Lagos state police command, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, has responded to a video actress Laide Bakare released on social media in which she called out some police officers for allegedly harassing her and driving off with her 14-year-old daughter alone in her car. In the video shared online, the actress could be seen yelling at the men in police uniform who stopped her while it was raining. She questioned why they stopped her alone, while allowing other cars to drive by. Read here.


Responding to her callout, Hundeyin in a post shared on X, said the actress was stopped for contavening traffic laws by driving on the lane dedicated to BRT buses. He stated that the actress was made to pay a fine of N70, 000 and no one laid a finger on her


 ‘’You were stopped for contravening traffic laws by driving on the BRT lane. You chose to create a scene. You chose to remain out of your vehicle when it was being taken to LAMATA office. The officers were not going to succumb to your gimmick to hold them down at that spot. You rightly paid the correct fine for your offence – N70,000 – into government coffers. You left with the receipt and your vehicle. Not a finger was laid on you.”

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