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Effizzie Relationships
7 ways to communicate better with your partner
Communicating better with your partner will make a difference in how close you feel to each other.
Why Self-Love Is The Key to Finding True Love
Why Self-Love Is The Key to Finding True Love
When you don't love yourself, it's hard to believe…
The high cost of being right: Navigating relationships
In the intricate dance of life, as men we often find ourselves on the quest to be right. To win battles. And emerge…
Six things a man wants in a relationship
In romantic relationships, the importance of physical intimacy often takes centre stage. However, while sexual…
5 Things You Must Talk About Before Marriage
Whenever the love bug bites, it tends to take away our senses and for the most part, we are left wondering in the…
Dating – a marriage market
The desire to associate or mingle with the opposite sex, especially by young adults, is as natural as the sunrise…
Stress affects your relationships
PICKING up from the previous articles, stress is one phenomenon that has crept into our lives and our systems…
The healing power of forgiveness in relationships
What happened to the power of love and forgiveness in relationships? The goal of relationships was meant to be…
How do you make the most of your platonic relationships?
They loved each other to death (or at least the Bible uses terms close to that) and the Bible is not apologetic…
Men 8 times more likely to care for their partners
Sometimes, when people deal with pain, they often say something along the lines of “Time heals all wounds.”…