Exercise is a lot good for your mental health


Modest amounts of exercise can make a real difference in someone’s life and all you need is to start on a routine that you can follow to meet your goal.

This was part of the message passed on to parliament staff and those from the office of the Prime Minister by the executive director of Rapport Counselling services Susan Tashobya, after their bi-monthly workout at the Parliament parking lot on Monday.

Tashobya advised that exercise should not only be taken as a fun activity but one that can complement self-care and self-love as part of better mental health.

She said exercise should not only be about building muscles but to boost someone’s mood, improving sleep, and helping you deal with depression, anxiety, stress, and more.

“Regular exercise can have a great impact on mental health because it relieves stress and improves memory. When we exercise we rejuvenate our memory; we also do exercise to increase creativity and productivity,” she noted.

“Let us encourage exercise because it helps us boost our overall body mood and energies because there is a lot that happens to an inactive body.”

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The workout followed a breast cancer awareness camp where doctors advised people to maintain their cells healthily by maintaining physical fitness and physical health.

“Our nutrition is also very important so it is important not to neglect one area. So nutrition, your environment, wellness, and financial wellness; so we should embrace every pillar of wellness so that we can live a happy life,” Tashobya advised.

People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them a great sense of well-being. They feel more energetic and strong throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives. And it is also a powerful medicine for many common mental health challenges.

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