Gay rights activist, Bisi Alimi fires back at actor Henry Arnold who queried what he does when he ”kneels”

You want to use me to resuscitate your dead career after he dissed him on a Moses Bliss comment



Bisi Alimi has fired back at actor Henry Arnold who queried what he does when he kneels after the gay rights activist knocked an upcoming singer who knelt before popular gospel singer, Moses Bliss, for prayers.


Bisi had taken to his Instagram story to criticize Neeja for kneeling before Moses Bliss, describing the act as ”pure stupidity and idolatory.”


Moses Bliss: You want to use me to resuscitate your dead career - Gay rights activist, Bisi Alimi fires back at actor Henry Arnold who queried what he does when he


In reaction to Bisi’s post, Henry asked why the gay rights activist is uncomfortable with someone kneeling as a sign of respect when he also ‘’kneels down to suck pr***k.‘’


Moses Bliss: You want to use me to resuscitate your dead career - Gay rights activist, Bisi Alimi fires back at actor Henry Arnold who queried what he does when he


Bisi has now responded stating that Henry is trying to use him to resuscitate his dead career.


See his post below…


Moses Bliss: You want to use me to resuscitate your dead career - Gay rights activist, Bisi Alimi fires back at actor Henry Arnold who queried what he does when he




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