Oven-Roasted Corn !
Sweet, fresh corn is a popular addition to summer salads, soups, and pastas. Whether you purchase white or yellow, sweet corn is so deliciously crisp and tender that it can be cut fresh from the cob and added to dishes without being cooked.
Grilled corn on the cob is always a treat, but you can achieve that same great taste without firing up the grill with our Oven-Roasted Corn on the Cob recipe.
To make corn on the cob in the oven, start by making a flavored butter. Use softened butter, garlic salt, pepper, and a mixture of your favorite herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, and parsley. Spread the butter over each ear of corn and wrap individually in foil. Bake for about 20 to 25 minutes and unwrap. A flavored butter is an easy way to add more taste to your dish. To cut the corn off the cob, remove the husks and silks. Stand the corn upright on a large cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut straight down across the base of the kernels. Use the kernels in soups, salads, and salsas for a fresh, summer meal.