How to make your perfume last longer


How to apply perfume: 10 tricks to make fragrance last longer

How to make your perfume last longer

How long does perfume last? Do perfumes have an expiration date?

Perfume does not expire in the same way as food. The expiration date should therefore not be taken literally. However, perfume brands advise not to use it for more than three years.

If you notice that its smell becomes more sour or stronger, or if it starts to smell like plastic, there’s a good chance that its quality has started to decline. At this point, trust your nose.

Can perfume improve with age?

This is sometimes the case. The evaporation of the alcohol it contains makes it more concentrated, its smell is therefore stronger, which can be positive.

How to keep your perfume longer?

Keep the bottle away from daylight, and store it in a dry and cool place. Therefore, not on the windowsill of the bathroom. A drawer or a cupboard are good options.

The bathroom is not the ideal place to store your perfume. The reason: humidity and heat. The ideal temperature to preserve a perfume is between 15°C and 18°C. The refrigerator is also an option.

Choose an opaque bottle

Air and light are your perfume’s worst enemies. An opaque and airtight bottle therefore offers the best guarantee for a longer shelf life.

Buy one bottle at a time and choose small packaging

It’s true that it is nice to vary your options of scent and have several bottles of perfume. But when the bottle is half empty, the air takes up more space, which increases the risk of oxidation.

Choosing small packaging and using one bottle at a time therefore seems to be the key to enjoying a pleasant-to-wear perfume every day.

In a nut shell, For best results, shower, pat dry, then moisturize before spritzing. “Dry skin will not hold on to your fragrance as long as moisturized skin will, so moisturize, moisturize, moisturize,” says Smith. “Fragrances will ‘stick’ to moisturized skin longer, and you will smell the scent throughout the day.

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