Sam Asghari has never proposed to Britney Spears


Britney Spears’ boyfriend has never proposed to her.

The ‘Lucky’ singer claimed in court last month that those in charge of her conservatorship had prevented her from getting married or having more children, but insiders have now revealed Sam Asghari has never actually popped the question.

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari


The sources told TMZ that Britney and Sam – who have been together for four years – have discussed the idea of getting engaged, but neither of them have ever formalised their intentions.

During her court hearing, the 39-year-old pop star – who has 15-year-old Sean Preston and 14-year-old Jayden with ex-husband Kevin Federline – claimed she was unable to start a family with Sam because of decisions made by her conservators.

She said: “I would like to progressively move forward, and I want to have the real deal. I want to be able to get married and have a baby. I have an [IUD] inside of myself so I don’t get pregnant. They don’t want me to have children – any more children.”

The ‘Womanizer’ hitmaker’s dad and conservator Jamie Spears subsequently issued a statement in which he insisted the issue was nothing to do with him as Britney’s medical decisions are made by her co-conservator, Jodi Montgomery, and he only deals with her financial affairs.

His representative said: “Mr. Spears does not speak or meet with Ms. Spears’ medical team, and he is not permitted to nor does he have the opportunity to provide any input into his daughter’s current medical treatment, diagnosis, or therapy. Nor does Mr. Spears participate in or discuss Ms. Spears’ personal affairs with her, such as issues related to her self-care, marriage, and reproductive desires.

“These are issues under the purview of Ms. Montgomery as Ms. Spears’ conservator of the person, and issues that Ms. Spears presumably discusses with her court-appointed attorney, Mr. Ingham. Mr. Spears is simply not involved in any decisions related to Ms. Spears’ personal care or medical or reproductive issues.”

Jodi’s own legal team later slammed that idea, stating that Britney’s ability to marry or have a child has “never been impacted by the conservatorship” while she has been in the position, which she took in 2019.

Jodi’s attorney, LaurieAnn Wright, said in a statement: “Britney’s choice to marry and to start a family [has] never been impacted by the conservatorship while Ms. Montgomery has been conservator of the person.

“I can state unequivocally that Jodi Montgomery has been a tireless advocate for Britney and for her well-being. While she does not control Britney’s financial assets, she is responsible for her personal care, and if Britney wants any issue brought up to the Court, Ms. Montgomery is and has always been ready, willing, and able to do so.”

According to the attorney, the blame still lies with Jamie because getting married and having a baby is still a financial decision, which is currently under his jurisdiction.

She added: “Practically speaking, since everything costs money, no expenditures can happen without going through Mr. Spears and Mr. Spears approving them. Ms. Montgomery has advocated on Britney’s behalf for any expenditures that Britney has requested as well as for expenditures recommended by Britney’s medical team.”

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