What is the stroke
The stroke is a neurological event linked to a vascular cause, in most cases related to an atherosclerotic plaque located at the level of the vessels that carry blood to the brain. When a cerebral artery suddenly closes, it causes ischemia, which is the abrupt interruption of blood supply to a region of the brain. Trying to prevent risk factors and knowing how to recognize the symptoms are certainly two strengths in trying to limit the damage such an event can cause. (source Auxologico.it)
The risk factors
One of the first ways to prevent stroke is to know the risk factors and try to counteract them. Among the main ones are: obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, drugs, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, obstructive sleep apnea or cardiovascular disease.
The possible symptoms
The stroke is considered to be an acute event that occurs suddenly and can often appear completely asymptomatically or with nonspecific symptoms (such as what appears to be a common headache). Symptoms that should immediately point to the suspicion of a stroke may include: paralysis of the face and limbs, visual disturbances in one or both eyes, gait disturbances, disturbances in articulation and comprehension of speech, confusional state, deficits in strength or sensation on one side of the body, and impaired balance.
The consequences of stroke
The consequences of stroke![]()
The consequences of stroke can be very different and depend on the area affected. Some people may not even suffer major damage while other injuries, although small, are capable of irreversibly damaging eloquent areas. Stroke is currently regarded as the third leading cause of death and one of the leading causes of permanent disability and/or impairment in industrialized countries.
What to do in case of symptoms
What to do in case of symptoms
In the past, the only way to deal with ischemic stroke was through prevention. Today you can intervene in other ways as well but it is most important to do so in the very first hours after the onset of symptoms. There are specific treatments that can be done such as thrombolysis or endovascular thrombus removal treatment. The main suggestion remains to go to the emergency room promptly.