Things you didn’t know can happen to men’s bodies

Men Know your health Status!--------- Strictly for the men alone


Biological males have unique characteristics. While we are aware of male reproductive organs and increased levels of testosterone, there is more to the male body. It’s interesting to note, for example, that under specific conditions men can produce milk. Additionally, male fetuses experience erections while in the womb!

Men have difficulty recognizing certain colorsMen have difficulty recognizing certain colors

Men and women perceive colors differently, as men specifically have difficulty distinguishing certain shades like yellow or green. “Across most of the visible spectrum males require a slightly longer wavelength than do females in order to experience the same hue,” explains psychology professor Israel Abramov.

Men frequently pass gasMen frequently pass gas

Men produce more flatulence than women on average. The exact reason for this is still unknown, but gastroenterologist Marc Taormina has some theories. “It could be diet, bigger GI tracts, and/or swallowing more air.”

Erections don’t always indicate sexual arousalErections don’t always indicate sexual arousal

Men experience erections not only when sexually aroused, but also in various other situations, such as sitting at a desk or riding a bus, as these everyday activities can elicit this physiological response in them.

Men can develop breastsMen can also develop breast cancer

Men may experience a condition called gynecomastia, characterized by the growth of breast tissue. This may result from hormonal imbalances, specifically in the testosterone-estrogen ratio. Gynecomastia can cause discomfort, leading to swollen and/or sensitive breasts, sometimes accompanied by nipple discharge.Men can experience this condition at any age, but as they get older and their testosterone levels decrease, they become more vulnerable to it. Additionally, men can experience pseudo-gynecomastia, which refers to the buildup of fat in the affected area. Although breast cancer mostly affects women, it also has an impact on a smaller percentage of men, who unfortunately experience lower survival rates. This could be attributed to the diagnosis of many cases occurring at later stages.

Fetal penile erectionsFetal penile erections

Male fetuses can have erections in the womb. These in-utero erections are a way to keep the tissues oxygenated. “The phenomenon of fetal erection has been recognized for some two decades. Advanced technology has made it possible to demonstrate its occurrence even before the 16th week of gestation,” says A.A. Jakobovits, from the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Toldy Ference Hospital in Hungary.

Postpartum depression can also affect fathersPostpartum depression can also affect fathers

Men can experience paternal postpartum depression, which shares similar symptoms with maternal postpartum depression. This is particularly prevalent among men facing financial difficulties, relationship issues, or a previous history of depression.

Men put on weight after getting marriedMen put on weight after getting married

The reason behind this could be linked to a rise in sedentary lifestyles, dietary alterations, aging, and hormonal fluctuations. This pattern appears to be true specifically for married men in comparison to their single and divorced counterparts.

Men have a higher tendency to go to the hospital for UTIs Men have a higher tendency to go to the hospital for UTIs

Although women are more prone to contracting urinary tract infections (UTIs), men are more likely to be hospitalized because of them. This is particularly true for older men. A study that examined the emergency room documents of more than 10 million patients confirmed this finding.

Men’s arms truly are good for punchingMen’s arms truly are good for punching

Like other species, male bodies have evolved to be efficient in combat, particularly within their own species.

Achievement boosts testosterone in menAchievement boosts testosterone in men

Success boosts testosterone levels in males, as winning holds biological significance for them.

Failure decreases testosterone in menFailure decreases testosterone in men

Indeed, failure decreases testosterone levels in men.

Male fertility could be affected by underwear choiceMale fertility could be affected by underwear choice

The testicles need a specific temperature for optimal sperm production. When men wear tight underwear, their intimate parts are pressed against their body, which tends to be warmer. This may have an impact on the quality of their sperm.

Men experience andropause Men experience andropause

Men can go through a version of menopause, with symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, impotence, and depression. These symptoms arise primarily from a decrease in testosterone levels.

Men can acquire yeast infectionsMen can acquire yeast infections

Although men are less likely to experience yeast infections, they can contract one through sexual contact with an individual who has an active infection, or due to inadequate hygiene practices.

The “semen-displacement hypothesis”The "semen-displacement hypothesis"

Gordon Gallup Jr., psychologist and assistant professor of human development at Oswego State University, hypothesizes that the male reproductive organ is as competitive as some men are. According to Gallup Jr., “the morphology of the human penis may act to plunge another male’s ejaculate from the reproductive tract of his partner.”

Men emit a distinct scentMen emit a distinct scent

Men produce a pheromone called androstenone through sweat and urine. This scent, triggered by testosterone, smells differently to different people.

Deodorant can enhance a man’s attractivenessDeodorant can enhance a man's attractiveness

A recent study has found that artificial fragrances can enhance a man’s attractiveness. In this study, women were asked to rate men based on their body odor as well as their appearance in photos. Interestingly, men who were considered less attractive based on their physical features received higher ratings in terms of body odor when they wore a fragrance. This suggests that the fragrance compensated for their lack of physical attractiveness.

Men perspire a lotMen perspire a lot

On average, men tend to perspire more than women. This implies that the sweat glands of men expel a greater amount of sweat compared to women when exposed to the same temperature. This variance is primarily influenced by disparities in body size and hormonal levels.

Parkinson’s disease is more prevalent among malesParkinson's disease is more prevalent among males

Men have a higher susceptibility to this neurodegenerative disorder, being more than twice as likely to develop it than women. Nevertheless, women have a higher mortality rate. The exact reason why men are more prone to developing Parkinson’s disease is not completely known. One theory suggests that estrogen provides some form of defense for women, at least until they enter menopause.

Men possess a thick dermis with less celluliteMen possess a thick dermis with less cellulite

Men have a natural advantage in aging due to their skin being approximately 25% thicker than women’s. What’s more, cellulite is less common in men, although a small number may still experience it.

Nocturnal penile tumescenceNocturnal penile tumescence

Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), also known as morning glory, is primarily caused by hormone changes. However, it has been proposed that the bladder’s pressure on the sacral nerve may also contribute to the stimulation and resulting erection.

Males can lactateMales can lactate

It is an uncommon occurrence, but it can happen. It occurs when there is a sudden increase in the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. This can be a result of medication side effects or a pituitary tumor.

Men’s noses are larger than women’sMen's noses are larger than women's

Men develop bigger noses and nasal cavities than women. This is mostly in proportion to the size of their faces.


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