Why you feel lethargic, headache, dizzy, and dizzy…?


Several days of illness may be caused by “heat stroke.

The late September saw the continuation of summer-like temperatures, with severe lingering summer heat in many areas and the highest number of midsummer days in autumn. Although we finally began to feel cool breezes in the mornings and evenings, some days the temperature rises to nearly 30 degrees Celsius during the day. The danger at this time of year is unseasonal heat stroke.

People have the image that heat stroke is a summer illness, but if the temperature rises during the day, heat stroke can occur even in the fall,” said Ishihara.

However, heat stroke can occur even in the fall if the temperature is high during the day,” says Dr. Shinna Ishihara, vice director of Ishihara Clinic.

Just because it is autumn does not mean that heat stroke does not occur. On days when you spend a lot of time outside, you need to take care to hydrate yourself the same way you do in summer and choose clothing that is appropriate for the temperature 

Autumn brings more opportunities to enjoy leisure activities such as camping and fruit picking, as well as outdoor events such as sports and athletic meets. Many people may have refrained from exercising, such as running or walking outside during the summer in order to avoid the intense heat.

Heat stroke is caused by an imbalance of water and salt in an environment of high temperature and humidity, and the body’s inability to regulate its temperature. Initial symptoms include dizziness, dizziness, headache, and lethargy, and as symptoms worsen, nausea, limping, cramps, and loss of consciousness may occur.

In some cases, these symptoms appear suddenly when the body heats up, but in other cases, the symptoms may continue for several days, and the illness may actually be heat stroke.

This autumn, we need to be especially careful about heat stroke, which occurs “slowly. The underlying cause is said to be fatigue from the long, hot summer.

Three reasons why the risk of heat stroke is high even in autumn

There are three reasons why the risk of heat stroke is high. One is the fatigue of the autonomic nervous system caused by the summer heat wave. This summer was so hot that people could not spend a whole day without air conditioning. While it was cool indoors and on the train because of the air conditioning, once you stepped outside, you were drenched in sweat from the strong sunlight.

The autonomic nervous system is battered by the constant back and forth between indoors and outdoors, as the body continues to deal with both the heat and the cold.

In addition to the accumulated damage caused by the heat, the unstable autumn weather is also adding to the problem.

“It is still hot during the day, but the mornings and evenings feel cooler, and suddenly typhoons and thunderstorms strike. As a result, body temperature regulation and perspiration fail, leading to heat stroke due to unseasonably high temperatures.

Another reason is that people are less conscious of their water intake due to the cooler temperatures than in the summer.

When the wind blows and it starts to feel cooler, more people forget to drink water. Even if you are not thirsty, you are always sweating. Heat stroke can occur not only at high temperatures but also in humid places, so it is important to hydrate frequently even in autumn.

In addition, with the increase in outdoor leisure activities and outings, we can expect to spend more time in the same kind of environment as in summer.

When spending long hours under the hot sun at outdoor barbecues, camping, etc., it is best to assume that the risk of heat stroke is just as high as in the summer. On sunny fall days when temperatures are higher, people need to be careful how they spend their time outdoors.”

When outdoors, be careful not to consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Alcohol has a diuretic effect and makes it easier to expel water from the body. To prevent heat stroke, enjoy drinking alcohol while drinking water!

When outdoors, be careful not to consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Alcohol has a diuretic effect and makes it easier to expel water from the body. To prevent heat stroke, enjoy drinking alcohol while drinking water!

So what should you do if you have early symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, or headache and think, “Could it be heat stroke?” What should you do if you think you may be suffering from heat stroke?

If outdoors, move to a shaded area or a cool, air-conditioned place and lie down to rest. Drink plenty of water and salt, take off your socks, and loosen your clothing to release heat from your body. Cooling the neck and armpits with a cold towel or coolant can also help lower the body temperature. Call an ambulance if there is any disturbance in consciousness.

In addition to sudden changes under the blazing sun, if heat stroke is suspected after several days of feeling unwell, it is effective to lie down in a cool room and rest first. If symptoms do not improve after rehydration and rest, a malady other than heat stroke may be suspected. It is necessary to see your family doctor before the symptoms worsen.

Three cups of miso soup a day is effective in preventing heat stroke in autumn.

Even those who are confident of their health may suffer from heat stroke in the fall for these reasons. Dr. Ishihara says, “The most important thing to avoid heat stroke is to get a good night’s sleep.

People who have a good balance of autonomic nerves are less likely to suffer from heat stroke because they have a good foundation of health. These people are less likely to be affected by temperatures. The autonomic nervous system depends on how well you get a good night’s sleep.

A good night’s sleep depends on how you spend your time at night: soaking in a bath at the end of the day to relax your mind and body, doing belly breathing before going to bed if you are under a lot of stress, and stopping using your phone right before bed, which awakens the brain. Many people may just take a shower, but bathing trains the body to sweat and allows the body to regulate its temperature by sweating when necessary.

Drinking miso soup three times a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) is also effective in preventing heat stroke.

Hydration is a basic measure against heat stroke, but it is also important to replenish salt lost through perspiration in moderation. Miso soup is the best way to replenish salt at the same time.

Hydration is a basic measure against heat stroke, but it is also important to replenish salt lost through perspiration in moderation. Miso soup is the best way to replenish salt at the same time.

Miso soup is a healthy food for Japanese people and is rich in nutrients such as amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body, and B vitamins, which are involved in energy metabolism. It is ideal for preventing heat stroke because it provides both salt and water. Miso has the effect of improving the intestinal environment, and when intestinal function is regulated, it also has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. If you are busy, instant miso soup from a convenience store or supermarket is fine.

Sleep well at night and make it a habit to have miso soup at meals. This lifestyle that regulates the autonomic nervous system is not only good for preventing heat stroke, but also for those who have been feeling sluggish all summer and are not tired even after sleeping, and should try it right away.

If you enter autumn with a disturbed autonomic nervous system from summer heat exhaustion, and winter arrives without a refreshed body, you will probably feel greatly ill around the end of the year. If the autonomic nervous system is disturbed for a long period of time, it will lead to a hormonal imbalance and mental disorders. Infections may also occur at a time when the immune system is weakened and busy.”

To maintain mental and physical health, it is essential to live a life that works with the autonomic nervous system. Making sleep a top priority and preparing the body to withstand the autumn temperature differences will help create health for the months ahead.

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